Restoring Deactivated (Deleted) Users

How to restore deactivated user profiles.

Restoring user profiles gives Administrators a way to reactivate previously deactivated (deleted) profiles. Use your Administrator login to access the Users page under System Management (hamburger menu or bell icon). 

Select the Deactivated users option on the User menu to run the report.

Deactivated users option magnified on Users page

The pop-up window shows all deactivated user profiles with the option to restore.

Deactivated Users List

Select the restore user icon to the right of the user that you need to add back to the system. A confirmation message will display stating the user was successfully restored. You can restore multiple users, but only one profile at a time. Select X to close window once complete.

If the restored user does not remember their previous password, have them use the forgot your password? link on the login page and follow prompts or manually reset the password.