Steps for using dashboard graphs to view asset information, tag status, battery levels, & exit alerts.
Each of the dashboard widgets provides a quick method for viewing real-time inventory, tag, and exit alert data. As described in the article, many of the graphs can be used to access more detailed information.
Total Inventory
Total inventory displays real-time data for the organization’s tag and asset inventory as well as the number of tags added or removed for the day.
Click one of the value circles to open the My Site page for the data for the option selected. For example, Attached Tags opens to My Site listing all assets (pieces of medical equipment) that have a tracker attached and defined in the system.
Inventory of Tags opens the My Site list of total tag inventory (attached/not attached, has/lost signal).
Tag Status and Battery Level
The Tag Status and Battery Level widget provides a quick view of tracker status and battery health.
Drill down into detailed tag data by selecting one of the tag status links under Tag Status (Attached & Has Signal, Attached & Lost Signal; Unattached/Has Signal, or Unattached/Lost Signal). View detailed battery information through the Battery Level links (Normal, Low, Critical). Selection of any Tag status or Battery level link opens the My Site Tags page to display a list of tags meeting the selection criteria.
The Total inventory of tags is equal to all the values listed under Tag Status.
Tags with a ‘lost signal’ status may: (1) have a battery that has died, (2) have left the site still attached to equipment or out of range for another reason, (3) be unable to communicate with the gateway.
Exit Alerts
Exit alerts provide a mechanism to notify staff when assets are in jeopardy of leaving the facility. Exit monitors are set up as a specific kind of zone with a special naming convention and can be used to set up subscriptions and alerts. Exit monitor zones are managed similarly to other zones and exit monitor subscriptions are similar to all subscription types. The dashboard widget shows how many exit alerts were signaled.
Display the number of exit alerts set off for the date range by selecting in the dropdown list. You may select to view alerts for the past 8 hours, 12 hours, 16 hours, 24 hours, or all exit alerts.
When the pane shows a list of alerts, you will see the asset type and unique ID, date and time of alert, and last known location (zone). You may click on a single event to open Asset Details for that asset. The map will display the asset location and you may take additional actions as needed from that page.
Tamper Alerts
Tamper alerts provide a mechanism for knowing when an asset tag has been removed from its cradle on an attached asset. These alerts are managed similarly to subscriptions and are shown both on the dashboard and under Events.
The dashboard pane displays the number of tamper alerts set off for the date range selected in the dropdown box. You may select to view tamper alerts for the past 8 hours, 12 hours, 16 hours, 24 hours, or all tamper alerts.
When the pane shows a list of alerts, you will see the asset type and unique ID, date and time of alert, and last known location (zone). You may click on a single event to open Asset Details for that asset. The map will display the asset location and you may take additional actions as needed from that page.
Inventory Activity
Inventory Activity is used to view the number of days an asset has been sitting idle (no movement). This data helps key hospital decision makers identify medical equipment that is sitting idle so that proper inventory adjustments or re-allocations can be made. The displayed asset defaults to the asset on the top of the asset list.
Use the drop-down list at the top of the graph to select a specific asset. Hover the mouse over a bar on the graph to display asset summary data.
Click on the graph to launch the My Site Assets list with filters matching the graph (e.g., asset, last movement date range).
Take necessary actions with the asset, return to the Dashboard, or move to any other page in the portal.