How to create multi-asset and tamper alert subscriptions.
Unlike the single asset subscription set up directly from the Asset Details page, subscriptions set up here are for all assets across the facility. Subscription notifications are triggered on any asset movement, either within a specific zone(s) or all zones. This is also the page for setting up tamper alerts.
A subscription provides a mechanism for users to follow asset activities. Subscriptions set up in other areas of the portal, such as in Asset Details, ProPAR, or Zones are also shown on this tab.
If your organization utilizes tamper alerts, this is where the subscription is set up in order to send the alerts. Tamper alerts will send notifications when an equipment tag is removed from its holster on an attached asset.
Select Subscriptions from the hamburger menu (or click bell icon) to open the Subscriptions tab.
The tab displays a row for each subscription and notification medium defined (there is a row for email and row for phone number even when they are the same subscription). Sort the Subscription Date column by ascending or descending order. Sort the Notification Medium column by phone and email.
From this tab users may add subscriptions and delete subscriptions, as well as pause and resume subscriptions, and set up tamper alerts.
Select Subscribe on the Subscriptions menu.
Subscriptions can be set up for specific or all zones (with the exception of tamper alerts, which are for all zones). You must have an Administrator role to set up tamper alerts. Select the radio dial for the appropriate option.
All zones: Subscription set for all assets in all zones
Specific zones: Subscription is set for all assets in chosen zone(s)
Exit alert: Subscription is set for all assets that pass into a defined exit zone
Tamper alert: Subscription is set for all assets with an associated, attached tamper alarm and for all zones (no option to choose zones)
If you choose Specific Zone, place a checkmark next to each zone to include (one or multiple) in the Select zone window. Search zones and/or use the drop-down list to filter zones to a particular building. Select Next to continue.
Enter the start time for the subscription. Click on the clock face and select the hours, minutes, and AM or PM. Alternatively, click inside the time box and type the time. Click OK. Repeat for end time. The time range determines when the system should “look” for the assets in the selected zone(s). Set the days of week for running the subscription. Leave to All or deselect and choose one or multiple weekdays. Click Next to continue.
Confirm or change the delivery medium (email and/or phone). The fields will auto populate with the email address of the logged in user and the mobile phone number from the user profile, if present. You can keep or change the fields. One delivery method must be present.
Click Submit to create the subscription.
The first time a subscription is set up by a user, the user will need to confirm the Amazon Web Subscription (AWS) via email. The email confirmation must be initiated to receive the subscription email alerts.
The subscription list includes a row for each zone and each delivery method set up in the subscription. Utilize the Notification and Notification Source columns to determine the kind and frequency of subscription.
Go to the exit monitor article for more information on exit monitor zones.