Attaching, Replacing & Detaching Tags

How to attach, replace, and detach tags from various points in the portal.

The Cognosos portal provides multiple inroads for attaching, detaching, and replacing tags. When a vehicle and tag are attached, it means that tag has been physically placed in the automobile, and both the vehicle and tag have been defined within the system with a relationship between the two. Users with the role of Standard and Administrator have access to this feature.

A tag is a device (e.g., hangtag on rearview mirror) that is placed inside the vehicle and provides wayfinding services.

Attaching or detaching the tags arises from various needs: arrival vehicle does not currently have a tag attached; vehicle has gotten a new tag; a tracker has become defective and needs to be detached and replaced; and so forth. As such, vehicle and tag relationships can be defined from the:

Vehicles Tab - attach or detach from Vehicles list

Vehicle Details - attach/detach tag, replace tag

Tags Tab - attach and detach from Tags list

Best practices indicate that attaching tags should be done through the Logistics Mobile App while user is physically at the vehicle in which the tag is installed. Detaching tags can be done on the mobile app or through the portal.

Vehicles Tab: Attach + Detach

From the Vehicles tab in My Lot either select Attach from the Vehicles menu or icon from the Actions column. When using the icon, the portal populates the Vehicle ID with the information from the selected row.  

MLV Attach button

MLV Attach icon

The Tag Attachment pop-up window opens. If there was a vehicle selection from the Vehicles tab, the vehicle ID will auto-populate in the Vehicle ID field. If no vehicle was selected, both fields will be blank.

Input the proper value(s) and select Next. Otherwise select the X in the upper corner to abandon the action.

If the input tag has a status of unresponsive, the system will display a warning. Correct any issues with the tag so it is responsive or use a different tag to continue.  

When attaching a tag, ensure that the tag’s battery status is 50% or higher. You can view battery level for all trackers on the My Lot Tags page (Battery Level column) and you can filter the tag list by battery level (normal, low, critical).

Once attached, the system opens the custom details window to input additional details for the vehicle to which the tag is attached. Vehicle details help to ensure that vehicles can be easily located using a variety of attributes and identifying information. The more details, the easier it is to locate the vehicle and to track data that may impact business operations.

Scroll down to access all the available fields. Use the drop-down lists or input values for vehicle details as needed. Add new values to custom fields as needed.

Attach Tag2 pop up window to set custom field values for a vehicle when attaching a tag

Select Submit to complete the input or Back to change the tag or vehicle ID. When complete, the vehicle/tag information is updated across the portal.

To detach a tag, select Detach from the menu or the icon from the Actions column. When you engage this activity from the Actions column, the portal auto-populates the Tag ID from the selected row in the 2nd step.

MLV Detach button

MLV Detach icon

Only the tag or vehicle ID is required to perform the operation. If blank, input the correct ID for either. Detach Tag Tag ID

Select Confirm to continue the process or Cancel to disregard the action.


Once detached, the automobile can no longer be tracked through the portal.

This operation removes the relationship between the tag and the vehicle. If you need to continue tracking the vehicle, attach a new tag and ensure the new tag is with the vehicle.

Vehicle Details: Attach, Replace + Detach

A tag may be attached, detached, or replaced directly from the Vehicle Details page depending on the current vehicle status. Access this page through the map or My Lot by selecting the (unattached) vehicle icon or link, respectively.

When a vehicle has the status of unattached, the Vehicle Details page will display the Attach Tag option. Select that option to set up the tag.  

VD Attach Tag Vehicle Details page highlighting Attach Tag option

Follow the same steps as outlined in Vehicles Tab: Attach + Detach above.

When a vehicle has the status of attached (whether located/has signal or not located/lost signal), Vehicle Details shows the option to Replace Tag. This function essentially wraps the detach and attach functions in a single step. 

VD Replace Tag Vehicle Details page highlighting Replace Tag option

Input a new valid Tag ID (status of unattached, normal battery) and click Next. Continue as described previously.

To detach a tag from a vehicle without replacing it (e.g., car sale) select Detach Tag.

VD Detach Tag Vehicle Details page highlight Detach Tag option

The Vehicle Detachment pop-up window opens. Confirm the detachment. Detaching the tag removes the relationship between the tag and the vehicle. If you need to continue tracking the vehicle, attach a new tag and ensure the new tag is with the vehicle.

Tags Tab: Attach + Detach

Open the My Lot > Tags tab. You may use filter or search to look up and attach a specific device.  

To attach a tag to a vehicle, select Attach from the Tag menu with either no items checked or a specific tag selected. Alternatively, select the Attach link from the Actions column. Ensure a sufficient battery level in the selected tag.

MLT Attach button

MLT Attach icon

A valid, unique tag ID and vehicle ID are required to complete the operation.

In the Tag Attachment pop-up window input proper values into the Tag ID (if no tag selected) and Vehicle ID fields. Select Next to continue.

Attach tag values

The process to add vehicle details continues as described in Attach Tag from the Vehicles tab. Once complete, the tag/vehicle attachment is updated across the portal and in the mobile app.   

To detach a tag, select the Detach menu option or locate the tag to detach and use the icon from the Actions column.

MLT Detach button

MLT Detach icon

A valid tag ID is required to complete this operation if you did not select a tag in Step 1. 

Detach Tag Tag ID

Select Confirm in the Vehicle Detachment pop-up window to continue. Otherwise select Cancel to return to the Tags list without making changes. 

Once detached, that tag and vehicle will no longer be connected for location services and data gathering purposes. Attach a new tag to maintain location and information services for the vehicle.