Creating Tasks from Filtered Lists

How to use filters to create a "shopping cart" of tasks for completion.

Use this process to create a "shopping cart" (filtered lists) of assets to share with team members who need to relocate the assets. The first step takes place via the Cognosos Logistics portal and the second through the Logistics mobile app.

Logstics Portal

Use the Admin login credentials to log into the portal.∗ 

Go to My Lot Vehicles. Select the Filter option then Create New Filter. Use the Select Filter columns to choose the attributes that will filter the vehicles you need (e.g., Status, Make/Model). Click Apply to filter the vehicle list.

KB_Select Filters

Save the filter. Input a filter name that describes the task need or event (e.g., using a sale event name) and set the filter set as Application Wide so that any user can access the list.

KB_Filtered List-1

KB_Save Filter

Once the filter has been saved, users can access the filter using the mobile app and carry out the action, such as moving a car.

Mobile App

From the Logistics mobile app, select the Search icon from the bottom of the screen. Choose Saved Filters. Locate and select the filter identified as the shopping cart/asset list. Select Apply. 

KB_app_Saved Filters option           KB_app_Choose Filter

When returned to the Vehicle Search screen, select Search or select additional filter attributes and then Search. The map displays icons with filtered vehicles. Use List to see individual assets in a list rather than on the map. 

KB_app_Search option                             KB_app_Search Results map          KB_app_Search Results list

Take steps needed to complete action(s) for the shopping cart/asset list. 




∗Only Admin user roles may create/save Application Wide filters.