Getting Started with Proactive Asset Replenishment (ProPAR)

Learn about the ProPAR dashboard & viewing clean & soiled room inventory.

The Cognosos platform proactively tracks periodic asset replenishment (ProPAR) levels for clean and soiled equipment rooms and shows overall PAR status on a simple dashboard. With the ability to drill down at the room level, hospital staff can replenish equipment in a timely and efficient manner. A pick list feature provides equipment runners with an easy method to collect inventory replenishment information. Users can also subscribe to alerts for immediate notification when a piece of equipment reaches a critical level in a room. 

The use of Department assignments may impact a user’s ability to access ProPAR. When a user is assigned to a specific department, they will not have access to ProPAR functionality. 

Select ProPAR from the main menu; use the drop-down list at the top of the page to choose one or more facilities (if your organization has one facility, then only one option is available). Click once to add a checkmark and again to remove a checkmark. Multi-select is allowed. The page refreshes to all the rooms defined as clean or soiled and the inventory levels of each for each of the facilities selected. Scroll down the page to see all facilities and rooms.


ProPAR Main-1          PP Multi Table

If this screen is blank, or you are missing rooms that should be tracking PAR levels, please use the Zones settings to ensure rooms (zones) are identified as soiled for soiled rooms and clean for cleaned rooms. PP Empty-1

In table view, each of the columns is sortable. Use the arrows next to each column header to re-sort the display.

ProPAR Table View-1

Utilize the Search function to narrow down the display of rooms from either tile or table view. The field accepts alphanumeric characters.

The inventory status of a room is indicated by the color of the tile (Tile View) or the Status icon (Table view). Refer to the Clean Room and Soil Room sections that follow for more information. 

PP Tile Green-1 PP Icon Green-1 Status of room is good
PP Tile Yellow-1 PP Icon Yellow-1 Status of room is at warning level 
PP Tile Red-1 PP Icon Red-1 Status of room is critical 

View detailed inventory levels and asset statuses by opening the bar graph for a specific room. From the Tile view, click on the room name and then click See more at the bottom of the picklist. On the Table view, click the row for the room. More information about rooms and graph data is found in the Clean and Soiled Room PAR Levels sections below. 

Quickly review inventory numbers for any room. On the Tile View, select the carat next to the room name. Click See more to view detailed inventory levels and asset statuses by opening the bar graph for the room.

PP Tile assets-1

Clean Room PAR Levels

Clean equipment rooms track low and critical status by asset type; as the asset count decreases, the status level increases (Ok -> Warning -> Critical). When a zone is selected, the system shows a bar graph displaying assets and inventory of each in that room.

An asset’s status may be full (green), warning (yellow), critical (red). The number with each asset bar represents the actual inventory count; the bar percentage represents a count range (e.g., critical is between 0-5; low between 6-10; full is 20). Each asset is assigned its own PAR levels. 

The top of the page shows the building and floor of the selected room and the room status icon. Information about the room and location (building, floor, room type) and asset inventory are also shown. 

PP Clean Graph Asset Levels-1Hover over any bar to view the asset’s inventory count and PAR status levels.

   Count: Current asset inventory count

   Critical: Low level asset count for critical status (red)

   Warning: Mid-level asset count for warning status (yellow)

   OK: Baseline # of assets required for good status (green)

Select the back arrow next to the room name to return to the main ProPAR tile view (default view).

Soiled Room PAR Levels

Soiled equipment rooms track full status by asset type and overall asset count. The bar graph for soiled rooms shows current levels versus full levels; as the asset count increases, the status level increases (from Warning -> Critical). An asset’s status may be acceptable (green), warning (yellow), or critical (red). As with clean rooms, the graph displays an inventory range in the bars and the actual inventory numbers within each by hovering over the bar.

The top of the page shows the building and floor of the selected room and the room status icon. Information about the room and location (building, floor, room type) and asset inventory are also shown.

PP Soil Graph Bar

PP Soil Bar Graph Counts   Hover over any bar to view the asset’s inventory count and PAR status levels.

   Count: Current asset inventory count

   Warning: Asset has reached PAR count for warning status (yellow)

   Full: Critical status; # of soiled assets in room too high (red)


Select the back arrow next to the room name to return to the main ProPAR tile view (default view).

Use the pick list for equipment runners to gather a list of assets to distribute.

Subscribe to a ProPAR room to maintain up to date information on inventory changes.