Learn how to save, edit, and delete filters within the Healthcare portal.
The portal provides an option to save a new filter when a new filter is created from the Filters option or Search option. In both cases, the steps to save and edit the filter are the same.
Creating + Saving a New Filter
To create and save a new filter, start by clicking the Filters button or Create New Filter from the Filter drop-down list; the portal opens the Filter dialogue box.
The Select Filters and Select Filter Values columns data come from the asset attributes that were defined when the assets were set up in the Cognosos Luminate portal. Because each organization is unique in its set-up and business processes, the filter value options shown may be different than your system.
Select the criteria for the filter. You may have multiple selections within the Select Filters and Select Filter Values columns. Use Select filter values arrows to sort lists by ascending or descending order.
At any time during the selection process a filter may be removed by selecting the X next to the value in the Selected Filters column. Use the Clear All option to remove all filters that have been selected. Once filter criteria are defined, select Apply to filter the map showing filtered assets located in a specific zone and/or structure.
Once the map is filtered, the selected filter values display adjacent to the Filters option. Click Save Filter adjacent to the filter information to save for future use.
In the Save Filter pop-up window input a descriptive name for the filter and select Application-Wide (to save to all users across the portal) or User-Only to save filter only for the logged in user and choose Save. Click Cancel if you do not want to save this particular filter.
Only the Standard and Administrative user roles may save filters; only Administrators may save Application-Wide filters. Refer to Managing Users + Roles on user role access and changes.
Saved filters appear in the Filters drop-down list in both the Map and My Site views. If the filter was created as a User-Only subscription, it only appears on the lists for the logged in user (on portal and mobile app); if it was created as an Application-Wide filter, it will display for all active RTLS users (on portal and mobile app).
Editing a Filter
Users may make changes to their own defined filters and Administrators may edit application-wide filters. Open the filter dropdown list and select the pencil icon to open the filter settings window.
Selected criteria are listed in the Selected Filters column. You may remove any filter criteria by selecting the X next to that item. Add other filter criteria as described in the Using Filter & Search articles. When complete with changes, select Apply. The view (map or My Site Assets list) refreshes to meet the updated criteria.
Edit will change the current filter display; use Save Changes option to maintain the edited filter and add it to the Filter list.
Use Clear Filters if you do not want to save the edited filter; the original filter remains in tact.
Deleting a Filter
To remove a filter, open the Filters drop-down from either the Map or My Site Assets page. Select the trash can icon next to the filter you want to delete. Note that application-wide (all user) filters will NOT show the trash can icon if the filter was created by a different user; only for the Administrator user who created the filter.
A small message window will confirm that the filter was deleted. Regardless of the filter type (all or single user) the filter will no longer appear in the Filter drop-down list once removed. Filter is removed from the portal and mobile app.