Using Search & Filters to Locate Vehicles via My Lot

How to use & save search queries & filters to locate and view vehicles in My Lot.

Locating Vehicles via Search

Searching from within My Lot supports a wide array of attributes so that you can find the vehicles for which you are searching. Search by any vehicle attribute (dealer, color, model, model #, etc.). Search by a single vehicle ID or multiple vehicle IDs using the Paste IDs option.

My Lot Search results

As values are entered into the Search field, the vehicle list will auto-refresh displaying all vehicles that have attributes meeting the search criteria.

Matching criteria is highlighted within the Vehicle Description column. To see high level vehicle information, select More... link in the Vehicle Description column. Select to collapse the information.

When an asset is not located within a defined zone, the search results show “Not in a zone” in the Zone/Parking Deck column.

MLV not in zone

If needed, export the list to a CSV file using the Download option.  

To clear the search filters, select the X in the Search field or use Clear Filters next to the selected filters. The list will refresh to all vehicles.

When a search is utilized in My Lot, it crosses over to the map and remains on both pages until the search is cleared. 

Saving Search Queries

Maintain the search query for future use by selecting Save Filter. Standard user roles will input filter name and Spotlight pattern, if used/needed; Administrator users will input the same and choose if the filter is available for all users.

MLV Save new filter

To clear the search and refresh the list to all vehicles, select the X in the Search field or use the Clear Filters option next to the selected filters. When a search is utilized in My Lot, it crosses over to the map unless or until the search is cleared. 

Locating Vehicles via Filter

Filters provide another mechanism for locating vehicles within the facility. Different than the search function, filters can be saved for future use, which is particularly helpful when, for example, an employee is responsible for certain zones, or dealers, etc.

Compared to Search, which is better for locating individual or smaller groups of vehicles, filter is good for navigating through larger groups of vehicles. The two features can be used together.

Until a user creates and saves a filter (or Administrator creates system-wide filter), there are no filters listed. Once a filter is created and saved it appears in the drop-down list accessible next to the Filter button. From the My Lot Vehicles, select Filters from the top left. Use the carat to display the filter list and make a selection.

MLV Filter SW icon

Filters listed with a folder icon represent application-wide filters, which are created by an Administrator and available for all users. Otherwise, the filter is only for the logged in user.




When a filter is chosen, My Lot Vehicles refreshes with the vehicles currently matching the filter criteria. The filter criteria display at the top of list next to Selected filters. Clear a single filter by selecting the X next to that item; remove all by selecting Clear Filters.

MLV Filtered List

Creating & Saving a New Filter

To create a new filter, select Filter from Vehicles menu. Alternatively, select the Filters carat and choose Create a new filter from the drop-down menu. The Filter pop-up window opens to select the criteria for filtering the vehicle results. New Filter attributes

The Select Filters column contains attributes that belong to all vehicles. These values are pre-defined during the system installation process. Attributes listed in the Select filter values column change depending on the selection in the first column. The Selected filters column displays the selections from the first two columns. Because each organization is unique in its set-up and business processes, the filter values (2nd column) shown may be different than your system.

Begin to select the criteria for the filter. You may have multiple selections within the Select Filters and Select filter values columns. The more criteria you select and the more filters you use, the more fine-tuned the results will be.  

Once filter criteria are defined, select Apply. The vehicles list refreshes to display only those vehicles that meet the filter criteria.

Retain the filter for future use by selecting Save Filter.

MLV Save new filter

In the Save Filter pop-up window input a descriptive name for the filter. Administrator users will also have the option to choose whether the filter is user only or system-wide (for all users). 

MLV Save Filter window

Some companies utilize the Spotlight feature, which allows users to cause selected Telluride tags to flash their LED with a predefined pattern to aid staff in identifying specific sets of vehicles nearby. This feature may or may not be turned on within your portal. If your organization does not use the required hardware or software flag, the flashlight pattern option will not appear. Select a SpotLight pattern if this filter will be used in the field for flashing Gen4 tags. Otherwise, leave set to None. 

Filter Flashlight list

Click Save to add the filter to the list. Choose Cancel if you do not want to save.

Once a filter is saved, it is available in the drop-down list on both My Lot Vehicles and Map views (as well as in the Logistics Mobile App). If a filter is defined as Application-Wide, it is available to all users and displays a folder icon next to the filter name; when it is set as user only, it is displayed only for the logged in user who created the filter.

Use the Clear Filters option next to Selected filters on My Lot to refresh the list.