Vehicle Information on the map

How to understand and navigate the vehicle information located on the map for Trailer & Yard Management.

The map defaults to a cluster view of trailers that have been defined in the RTLS. The number value in the cluster circle represents the number of smaller clusters or individual trailers within that cluster. The right menu shows the total number of vehicles across the facility.

To view individual trailer rather than trailer clusters, set the Clusters toggle to Hide Clusters. This is recommended only when using search of filter to decrease the number of displayed trailers. 

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At the individual vehicle level, an icon may be: 

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To view details for a specific trailer, select the vehicle icon or the vehicle link to open the vehicle summary in the right menu. Scroll down through the window to access all the fields if needed. 

Some of the values, such as Asset ID, VIN are specific to the individual automobile. Other values (attached to tracker, allotted) are based on user input/actions. Some information comes from the tracking system itself (e.g., current location). 

Scroll to the bottom of the window and select Click to see more to open the Vehicle Details and Vehicle Movements information for that vehicle.

The vehicle summary information changes as different vehicle icons are selected.