Navigating the Map for Zone Information

How to obtain zone information, such as location and inventory counts.

For a quick summary view of real-time vehicle inventory information for a zone, open the map. From the left-hand menu, select the Zones tab and then locate the zone and select. You can use the Search function on the tab to quickly find a specific zone (e.g., a specific yard or lot).

A zone is a digital area marked by a geo-fence that corresponds to a physical location on the facility’s property. A zone can be an outdoor or indoor area and include an entire lot, aisle, parking space, structure or operations facility, or any place where finished vehicle logistics activities occur. 

Once a zone is chosen, the map highlights the zone in teal and the right-hand menu will display a zone summary box.

Map Zone Selection map of zone in teal blue and zone information shown on the right side of the map

The Show all and Current building radio dials just above the list provide broader listings, which can be helpful when the zone name or location is uncertain. This option is used only when the system has structures set up.

The map displays inventory totals. To obtain detailed vehicle inventory information for the zone, use the Zones tab in My Lot and filter on the zone.

Make zone changes using the edit and delete icons in the summary box.