Using Dashboard Widgets & Viewing Dashboard Reports

Steps for using dashboard graphs to view inventory information, tag status, and battery levels.

Total Inventory

Total inventory displays real-time data for the organization’s tag inventory as well as the number of tags attached or detached for the day.

Dashboard Total Inventory screen with inventory and tag data

Click the Attached Tags and Inventory of Tags circles to open the My Lot pages for Vehicles and Tags respectively. 

The Tag Attachment and Detachment circles open the Events listing when selected. The Events will automatically be filtered to display the appropriate selection (today, attached or detached). Events section covers information on viewing and filtering Events.

Tag Status and Battery Level

The Tag Status and Battery Level pane provides a quick view of tag status and battery health.

Drill down into detailed tag status data by selecting the links under the Tag Status circle. Status links include Attached & Has Signal, Attached & Lost Signal, Unattached & Has Signal, Unattached & Lost Signal. The portal opens to the appropriate filtered tag list.

DB Tag Status screen with tag status and battery level widgetsView detailed battery information through the Battery level links (Normal, Low, Critical). Selection of any Tag Status or Battery level link opens the My Lot Tags page to display a list of tags meeting the selection criteria. 

DB My Lot Tag Status

Tags with a ‘lost signal’ status may: (1) have a battery that has died, (2) have left the site still attached to equipment or out of range for another reason, (3) be unable to communicate with the gateway. 

Inventory Aging

The Inventory Aging toggle offers a graphical view of tagged vehicles based on the ‘age’ of automobile and tag ‘relationship’ (when the vehicle and tag were attached).

DB Inv Aging widget with inventory graph

The number of total vehicles in this bar graph is the same as the Attached Tags value in the Total inventory pane. Hover the mouse over any of the bars to view summary information; click the bar to open the Vehicles list in My Lot. The Vehicles page defaults to matching inventory aging filters.

DB My Lot InventoryReturn to the Dashboard or Clear Filters and take the next action.

Idle Inventory

Idle inventory displays the number of days vehicles have been sitting idle (no movement). This data helps identify process or automobile challenges and ensures issues are remedied in a timely manner to keep the supply chain smoothly operating. 

DB Idle Inv widget with idle inventory graph

Hover the mouse over a single bar on the graph to display summary data. Click on a single bar to open the filtered Vehicles listing page in My Lot.

DB My Lot Idle Inv

Return to the Dashboard or Clear Filters and take the next action.

Zone Throughput

Zones are the various areas or sections of your facility and help to track automobiles through the staging, detailing, inspection, delivery processes. Zone Throughput displays the number of automobiles that entered and left a zone for a specific set of dates. Use the drop-down list at the top of the pane to select the zone and click Select dates to launch the calendar and select the date range.

Screen Shot 2023-05-17 at 12.22.57 PM

Hover the mouse over the red and blue points on the graph to view summary data for that date.

Screen Shot 2023-05-17 at 12.24.52 PM

Zonal Occupancy

Whereas Zone Throughput gives details for specific zones and dates, the Zonal Occupancy graph displays the number of vehicles within a zone and the available spaces per zone. This can help identify any zones where a bottleneck may be occurring.

DB Zonal Occ

Hover over the individual bar to view zone occupancy and vacancy information. Select the bar to launch the My Lot Vehicles page filtered to vehicles that passed through the selected zone at some stage of the processing.

DB Zonal Occ bar dashboard widget with zone occupancy data

Vehicle Distribution by Attributes

When vehicles are input into the system any number of attributes can be assigned to the automobile (e.g., dealer, serial number, VIN #, model, etc.). Utilize the Vehicle Distribution graph to quickly view data regarding your facility’s inventory. By default, the system displays the first attribute in the drop-down list. Choose another option from the Attributes drop-down on the upper right corner of the graph. Use Select dates to input the date range for your search.

DB Veh Dist by Attributes widget with vehicle distribution graph

Hover the mouse within a bar to view more specifics regarding data for the selected attribute and date.

DB Veh Dist Bar colorful graph close up with vehicle data


OnSpot is a method to determine if a vehicle is ready for the next step in its finished vehicle logistics life-cycle. To view OnSpot vehicles use the dashboard to select and run the OnSpot report. The definitions (reports) listed are user-defined. Refer to the Creating Definitions + Mappings for necessary steps prior to running an OnSpot report.

Click OnSpot from the OnSpot graph to open the list.

DB OnSpot widget with no selections

Choose desired OnSpot report from the list.DB OS list

Choose Create New OnSpot Definition if you need to create a new report.



DB OS report graphical data of on spot widget

OnSpot (green): Includes vehicles meeting OnSpot mappings

NOT OnSpot: Includes all assets from the category even if they do not meet the OnSpot conditions

Select OnSpot and Not OnSpot from the graph to launch the My Lot Vehicles page with selected OnSpot filter. The Vehicles page shows the OnSpot filter, as well as an OnSpot icon in the OnSpot:{Name} column.

View vehicles that are not mappable due to missing attributes (e.g., Make) by selecting the Unmapped link at the top of the graph.

DB OS rpt unmapped widget highlighting unmapped link

Use the information in the OnSpot column on the Vehicles page to correct any issues that are prohibiting the vehicle(s) from being mapped.

To further distil the data in the graph, select the Filters option. Choose a defined filter or create a new filter. Broadly speaking, filters are the various attributes associated with assets (vehicles) such as model, buyer; status or step in the logistics process. The graph will refresh with the OnSpot report and the new filter applied.  

When an OnSpot report is run, the resulting report is shown also in My Lot Vehicles and on the map, from which all OnSpot reports can also be run.