Viewing Driver Badge Reports

How and where to view driver badge information in the portal.

Cognosos offers a driver badge feature that provides companies with a way to maintain and view real-time data around driver performance, logistics processes, and inventory movement. If your organization does not utilize this feature and/or have the required hardware, this information is not shown in your Cognosos portal.

A driver badge is a physical badge that is worn on the person while at work. Drivers are assigned a badge and badge number and the badge should be kept until it needs to be replaced. Ensure operational battery by pressing on the Cognosos firefly logo located on the badge; look for a small, flashing blue light.

Please note: While the badges can withstand slight moisture, they are not designed to get wet or to be submerged in liquids.


Driver badge reporting provides a method for analyzing vehicle movement trends. To access the report, go to the Events tab under System Management and click Driver Badge Report.

Driver Badge Rpt option

Driver Badge Rpt

The Driver Badge Report shows vehicle movement information by driver badge ID. This information is shown in the Driver Badge IDs column. The Driver Badge IDs column will contain minimally one identifier.

Each row reports movement start zone and time and end zone and tome, drive duration for a specific vehicle.

Use Refresh to reload the page if needed. Pagination options at the top allow a page by page browse of events. Download the report using the Download CSV option. 

The Filter option provides a way to filter the report by one or more driver badge IDs or to filter the driver badge report by other criteria, such as by date, zone, and more. Multiple filters can be applied together.  

Driver Badge Filter

To filter by a specific driver badge, select Driver Badge under Select filters and input one or more IDs in the Search field under Select filter values.

If desired, filter by other criteria such as the event type (e.g., zone), vehicle ID(s), or date. Selected filters show under Applied filters. Click Apply.

The Badge ID Reports page refreshes with just the applied criteria from the filter.

DB Rpt Filtered

Use Clear Filters above the report to refresh the screen to all.

Select Events Report to return to the primary events log. Please note that this option does not refresh the Driver Badge Report; you must use Clear Filters.

If you are seeking general information for a specific Driver Badge ID and know the number, use the Search option on the primary Events page.

Clear the Search field to refresh report to all events.