Learn the basics of viewing vehicle inventory and options for managing vehicles.
The My Lot Vehicles page defaults to a list of assets (vehicles, trucks, trailers, etc.) so long as there is a tag association with the asset (vehicle and tag are attached). Inventory counts here will match number of vehicles displayed on the map and number of attached tags on the dashboard. To view assets that have a status of ‘Not Attached’ use the Filter option. Whereas the map displays the assets as icons (individual or cluster), My Lot provides a listing of individual vehicles. Use My Lot Vehicles to:
- View and edit vehicle details
- Follow/subscribe to vehicles
- View historical movements
- Attach and detach tags
- Navigate to vehicle
The Vehicle ID and Vehicle Description come from data input when the automobiles are defined in the system. Click the more… link in the Vehicle Description column to display additional information. In zone / parking deck shows the current location of the vehicle (if known).
Attached to Tag # is the tag identification number for the vehicle and Tag Attachment Date indicates the date of the tag attachment to the asset. Last Movement Date, Last Activity Registered Time come from the tag’s communication with the gateway.
With the exception of Vehicle Description and In zone / parking deck, all columns can be sorted in ascending and descending order.
Use search and filters to parse the vehicle list. From the vehicles list, several actions can be taken including: edit details, attach/detach tag, access Vehicle Details to view vehicle history and movements, follow vehicle, navigate to vehicle. Some functions are available from the Actions column and some are available from both the column and the Vehicles menu.